How well are we working?

This year at Clerkenwell Design Week we went to an exciting talk hosted by The Insider journalist, Elspeth Pridham. The theme of the discussion was ‘how well are we working’, to help answer the question Design Week invited Emma Morley, Rachel Basha and Susana Babic to form a dynamic workplace panel.

Here’s our key takeaway points from the talk:

Materials of the Future

There is a noticeable shift towards using natural and recycled materials within workplace design. As a result, a neutral colour palette trend is emerging.

Does the open plan office promote wellness?

The open plan office can suit both introverts and extroverts, the key is providing choice. Modular elements create an adaptable workplace, promoting longevity as spaces can evolve as a business does. Spaces with numerous characteristics allow employees to have choice. Choice within the workplace can promote empowerment amongst employees and when we feel empowered we are noticeably happier.

The changing workplace landscape

Following on from the above, spatial needs are evolving. Lego for example used to have a 70:30 ratio, with 70% of the office landscape being dedicated to desk area and 30% for collaboration spaces. Now Lego have adopted a 30:30:30 split, 30% desks, 30% collaborative space and 30% breakout and social spaces.

Greenery is here to stay

Greenery within the office environment is crucial for promoting wellness within the workspace. With real plants being a perfect way to bring life to the office and not to mention beneficial for those who work in offices where windows can’t be opened.  

Light leads the way

Technology can now allow us to install lighting which follows the days circadian rhythms meaning brighter light in the morning and creating a mellow environment towards the afternoon/evening. Again, this can be used as an optional workplace feature, being implemented if needed, further adding to the notion of creating choice.


Click here to read our recent blog, beating burnout with better workplace design here