Stay vs Go

While a fit out is a fantastic way to update your business and align the functionality of your space with the needs of your employees, a relocation can also serve the same function, and potentially situate your business in an area with better amenities and access to new markets.

There are several factors to consider when deciding whether to stay or leave your current office space.

Here are some potential reasons to stay in your current office space:


It may be more cost-effective to stay in your current office, especially if you have a good rate on your rent or if you would have to pay a penalty for breaking your lease.


If your current office is well-located and convenient for your employees and clients, it may be worth staying put.


If your current office has the amenities that your employees need and want, such as a gym or a cafe, you may want to stay.


If you have a long-term lease on your current office, it may be more advantageous to stay put rather than incur the cost and hassle of moving.


If you have established a strong brand identity at your current location, it may be worth staying to maintain that branding.

Here are some potential reasons to move to a new office space:


If your business has outgrown your current office or if you have too much space, it may be time to move to a larger or smaller space.


If your current office is not conveniently located or is not easily accessible, it may be worth considering a move to a more accessible location.


If you can find a more cost-effective office space elsewhere, it may be worth considering a move.


If your current office lacks the amenities that your employees need and want, it may be worth considering a move to a space that has those amenities.


If your current lease is coming to an end and you are not satisfied with the terms, it may be a good time to consider a move to a new space.


Click here to read more about the Fit Out process in our Fit Out Guide and uncover how we can help your business.