The Top Tech Destinations To Watch This Year
Manchester has been named as the Top tech destination outside of London by CBRE Research. But what is it that makes Manchester stand out from other major UK cities?
- 5,725 tech companies (highest of any regional city)
- 45,125 Information and communication employment (up 3% since 2015)
- +6.36% Information and communication employment outlook 2021-2025
There has been seen significant growth in the UK tech sector over the last decade and now post pandemic resilience is proving to investors that venture capital finding within the UK tech market will deliver success. In 2021 alone there was a total of £29.4bn of Tech investment into the UK.
Representing 7% of UK economic output the tech sector is a significant component of the economy. In the next 5 years tech employment is predicted to grow by 5.2% with the UK sector forecasted to grow at a faster rate than the UK economy. This growth has resulted in a rapid expansion in tech employment and therefore increased office real estate demand.
So, what does this mean for your tech company? You are competing more than ever before for the best talent.
Markets across the UK have been scored and ranked based on the following factors: access to skilled talent, availability of office space, proximity to institutions providing high quality tech education, cost of living and cost of employment.
CBRE Research has named Manchester as being the top tech destination outside of London, despite its reputation a hub for creative industries, Manchester is home to 5,725 tech companies, the highest of any regional city – making it an obvious chart topper.
The full report, by CBRE Research explores the top 15 Tech Destinations outside of London with the purpose to inform the decision‑making process for both occupiers and investors. Click here to download the full report.
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