A View to Thrill

On Thursday 14th June, The West End Office Agents Society (WEOAS) hosted their annual ball and Modus were proud to be headline sponsors.

Held at the Bond in Motion exhibition at the London Transport Museum in Covent Garden, this year’s event was dripping in glamour as members dressed to kill in a bid to win prizes for the ‘Best Dressed’. Individual prize winners included:

1st - Tom Brammeld, JLL (Baron Samedi from Live & Let Die)
2nd - Philippa Lambert, JLL (Octopussy)
3rd - Tom Tregoning, Colliers (Jaws)

The prizes for ‘Best Dressed Group’ went to the MI6 agents from Farebrother/Union Street Partners and runners up Colliers for their Casino dice and playing cards. With a driving simulator, string quartet, Bond villain lookalikes, a casino and the exhibition the event was a roaring success with never a dull moment. 

We would like to congratulate the WEOAS Committee for running such a great ball this year – the venue and entertainment has been superb. 

Lindsay Dowden, Sales & Marking Director at Modus concludes, “Modus has enjoyed a fantastic year of continued growth as we continue to deliver some of London’s most inspirational working environments for our clients. Through that success we continue to develop and enjoy very strong relationships with the members of the WEOAS and it’s a pleasure to support them for their annual ball"