We’ve seen many trends over the years. When we started, computer networks were in their infancy, few people had heard of the Internet, mobile phones were huge and not very mobile, desks were “L” shaped to house the cathode ray tube computer monitor, secretarial typing pools were still being used, filing cabinets were everywhere, and most managers had their own private offices. Now, we’re all agile, healthy, eco, activated, and connected.
We recently completed a large-scale CAT B office fit out for Travelfusion in the City of London. Travelfusion operates one of the world’s largest travel payment platforms, which allows users to easily access millions of daily routes and timetables to fares and hotel descriptions, which have been aggregated from hundreds of travel suppliers.
Houlihan Lokey presented us with the exciting challenge of crafting a new flagship office that would bring together their newly acquired division and existing teams under one roof.
At Workplace Futures Group, we have always placed huge importance on education, community support and sustainability – it’s embedded in our culture, ethos and core values.
A major new force in commercial refurbishment and fit-out has emerged as we joins forces with the multi-national group, Korus, to establish an international office design partnership.
The design of Alpha FX’s Paddington office space is a true reflection of the character and personality of the business itself; courageous, punchy, daring and highly motivated, with a love for the finer details and a keen sense of its roots; where it came from, and where it’s going.
Working in high-rise buildings presents unique challenges, and The Shard is no exception. With its rigorous building management and quality standards, along with the logistical complexities of moving people and materials through the loading bays and elevators, the process requires meticulous planning.