Modus Workspace announces Construct ZERO Partnership
We are pleased to announce that we have recently become Construction Leadership Council (CLC) ConstructZERO partners. The CLC's mission is to provide leadership to the construction industry and their main objective is to develop solutions that meet 2025 challenges and ultimately work alongside the government to promote industry initiatives that will deliver, 33% reduction in cost, 50% reduction in programme, 50% reduction in carbon emissions, 50% reduction in trade gap.
So, why have we become partners? Besides the obvious incentive to help contribute to a more sustainable future there are many other reasons for our partnership with CLC ConstructZERO. Becoming a partner allows us to be involved in important conversations which focus on sharing knowledge of adapting and maximising the use of modern methods of construction. The partnership is a collaboration zone for the industry, enabling best practice.
"CO2nstructZero’s role is not to develop new solutions, roadmaps or new pathways – there are many groups in the industry well placed to do this – but we believe that the CLC does have a critical role to play in bringing people together to consolidate collective actions and plans for the sector. We can help drive change by helping to share innovative solutions and set transparent goals and clear actions that everyone can help to achieve."
- Andy Mitchell, CLC, Co-Chair
By committing to the Construction Leadership Council’s national change programme, Modus Workspace has committed to play its part in reducing carbon in all parts of its construction activities.
The built environment contributes over 40% of the UK’s total carbon footprint, and radical change is needed to transform the sector and meet net zero by 2050. As a Business Partner, Modus Worksapce will be playing its part in supporting CO2nstructZero by developing a change programme to help contribute to the national net zero target.
Tim White, COO of Modus Workspace, said: “We are already seeing huge changes in our sector and recognise the significant role we have in improving the carbon footprint of all our construction activities. The net zero objective will redefine how we do business, so we are working closely with our supply chain and other business partners to develop a framework for change”
The CLC has set out nine priorities in construction to achieve Net Zero which align with the governments overarching plan. In the long run there is an expectation that the following through of these priorities will lead to the creation of 250,000 green jobs, attracting at least £36bn in private sector.
The nine priorities are categorised into three subcategories, these are as follows: Transport, Buildings and construction activities.Under transport the CLC have outlines three priorities, these are:
- Accelerating the shift of the construction workforce to zero emission vehicles and onsite plant.
- Optimise the use of Modern Methods of Construction and improved onsite logistics, in doing so reducing waste and transport to sites.
- Championing developments and infrastructure investments that both enable connectivity with low carbon modes of transport and design to incorporate readiness for zero emission vehicles.
Under buildings, the CLC have listed the following three priorities:
- Work with Government to deliver retrofitting to improve energy efficiency of the existing housing stock.
- Scale up the industry capability to deliver low carbon heat solutions in buildings, supporting heat pump deployment, trials of hydrogen heating systems and heat networks.
- Enhancing the energy performance of new and existing buildings through higher operational energy efficiency standards and better building energy performance.
The last three priorities which come under the construction activity category are:
- Implementing carbon measurement, to support our construction projects in making quantifiable decisions to remove carbon.
- Become world leaders in designing out carbon, developing the capability of our designers and construction professionals to design in line with circular economy shifting commercial models to reward measurable carbon reductions.
- Support development of innovative low carbon materials as well as advancing low carbon solutions for manufacturing production processes and distribution.
Modus Workspace will providing regular updates on CO2nstruct Zero developments over the coming months.
Click here to find out more about ConstructZERO